The Top Wife Award

Scott and I spent the morning engaged in the age old male activity of fishing, like our forefathers have been doing for millennia before.  Like many of these forefathers, who had persevered and caught nothing, we to found ourselves in this time loop. It is in this exact situation that all great ideas are rooted and all life changing inventions are created.

It was mid morning; there was talk of a bacon and egg breakfast when Scott blurted out something about awarding a Wife of the Century Award to one of our spouses should we arrive back to a cooked breakfast.

This got me thinking – not a bad idea. We would start a “Wife of the day” award and award this daily to the best preforming wife.  After the holiday the wife with the most awards would be crowned wife of the century – nothing like a bit of healthy competition to get the ladies fired up to peform at their peak.  We would also have a daily floating trophy (possibly the Golden Apron) which would be the coverted prize and the willing party would get to hang on to this keepsake as something to boast about for years in the future and pass on to their offspring.

On our return to camp, with little to show for our early morning sortie, we enthusiastically suggested this competition to the wives and suggested that the one who makes that morning’s bacon and egg brunch would be well set to win the coverted “Wife of the Day Award”.

For some reason the competition was not enthusiastically embraced and instead of the wives scurrying in different directions to prepare a meal fit for their kings,  Scott was handed an apron and tasked with making breakfast which, to his credit, was made to perfection.

So the first “Wife of the Day” is awarded to Scott and if he keeps this up will be well and truly on his way to winning the coverted “Wife of the Century” award at the end of the trip.

Sorry for you ladies but you snooze, you loose.