16 August 2018
Kasane – Camping at Chobe River Lodge
It is a short hop from Camp Nkwazi in Zambia, across the Zambezi River to Kasane in Botswana. We were very excited to get there as Nigel Gericke, a friend from Cape Town, and who introduced us to his friends in Kasane at the start of the trip, happened to be doing a road trip in the area – so we planned to meet up that evening for supper.
The road from Livingstone to Kazangulu border crossing is good. The border is organized chaos – hundreds of huge trucks waiting for a spot on the ferry. Like Tunduma border post, one gets swamped by “helpers” who get you through the system. one guy was very persistent, so Richard capitulated. Anyway, it helped us through quite quickly – clear immigration, then customs, then pay district fee, then ferry fee. Drive the car through, to the front of the queue – which is 99%trucks. Basically they fit one normal vehicle and one huge truck onto the ferry. Passengers walk onto the ferry and off one chugs across the Zambezi. Fabulous experience. And while you can, do it, as a massive bridge is being constructed, so soon there will be no need for the ferry.
Botswana immigration completed, vehicle checked, and off we drive the 20 km to Kasane. Quick check in at Chobe Safari Lodge, booked the 3 pm sunset cruise, quickly set up camp, shower and to the lodge to board the vessel. There, sitting enjoying a cider sat Nigel! Lekka surprise – he was hoping to get onto the boat before us and surprise us there, but Emma spotted him :).
A fabulous “game Drive” on the river with incredible elephant sightings, including two family groups of elephant crossing from the shore to the recently exposed grassy island. A large number of these boats, though, so at times it felt somewhat crowded on the river, but it was still wonderful.
After the sun was below the horizon, we docked, headed for the bar, met up with Mark (see earlier Botswana blog), and enjoyed a delicious meal at the lodge.
Next morning, it was off to Namibia….